

Eric Pulier

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The Stigma of a Harvard Degree

E ACH year sixteen hundred parents send their little bundles of protoplasm off to Harvard with great delight. In addition

Academia Nuts

T HERE ARE certain subjects about which no modern person can write well. Prominent among these subjects are philosophy, radical

The Reading Period Blues

T HERE ARE students at Harvard who are quite happy with the academic schedule. There are also people at Harvard

The Insanity Defense

O NCE UPON a time there were some people who had nothing important to do. This caused them to go

Hair Today, Still There Tomorrow

I 'M A senior--on the brink of being admitted into the company of educated men and women--and there are still

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

T ECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES reinforce our standing among the laughably inferior forms of life. Compared to the sniveling beasts of the

The Inside Dope

T HE GINSBURG "dope" controversy led to an amusing turnaround in the American government. Democrats, normally not keen on the

A Tie That Binds

"M Y, how nicely many of my classmates are dressing these days!" I remarked to no one in particular. "They

Oh, Those Golden Grands

W HEN A wedding anniversary occurs The Wife always thinks that The Husband has forgotten about it. This makes her

Full of It

M ANY OF America's richest men began as self-important obnoxious bastards, so I would never knock the lifestyle. All I'm

Money Changes Everything

E VERY MORNING construction workers awaken North House residents by banging wood planks against each other in an effort to

Morons and Millions

T HIS SUMMER The New York Times ran a piece by William E. Geist that reported the publication of two

The Happiness Principle

Y AY! I'M happy! I finally figured out why I can't concentrate on schoolwork, why I can't read long books

Terrorism's Untapped Potential

T HIS SUMMER I paid to enclose my body within a multiton metal capsule that was then elevated 10,000 feet

Achieving the Divine Spark

A S MAN ACQUIRES MORE AND MORE knowledge of his surroundings, he is always joyful in his discovery that no
