

Nancy Moran

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Democrats Toot Horns for Naught On Dull Election Night at Harvard

Five old boys, collars turned up against the drizzle, lined up outside the Harvard Garden Grill at 8 p.m. last

Ed School's 'Castle' Receives Its First Visitors

The newest monument to the New Harvard, the Roy E. Larsen Hall at the Ed School, received its first callers

'40 Enjoys Friends, Chicken, Liquor While Harvard Foots Most of Bills

The 25th Reunion, according to William Bixler '40, is a "chance to see all your old friends." Stu Robbins '40

Marc Chagall, Paintings

On April 5 the Perls Galleries gave a party for Radcliffe, inviting alumnae and friends to sample Chagall and champagne

Yin Crowd Gets High on Brown Rice

Fifteen years ago Harvard students drowned their troubles in liquor; last year they took to LSD. Today the get high

The Lion Rampant

It's an event when a student magazine appears at Harvard; the only one that arrives with any regularity these days

How to Become Fabulously Rich: Study Soil Mechanics

the mid-17th century Edward , a Connecticut turkey , gave a part of his income to Harvard to purchase prizes

Renoir Speaks of Childhood and Art To Eager Flick Followers at Loeb

Jean Renoir, the French film director, saw his first movies in a Jesuit school where the fathers, " as they

Constable to Offer New Gen Ed Plan

Giles Constable '50, associate professor of History, said yesterday that he is preparing a new proposal on General Education which

Mozart and Chow Mein: A Day at the Opera

For the last two months fifty Harvard singers and musicians have been rehearsing Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte, an opera that

The Politics of Civil Rights:

At 9:30 a.m. on the Friday before the Democratic National Convention, two busloads of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegates and

The Politics of Civil Rights:

At 9:30 a.m. on the Friday before the Democratic National Convention, two busloads of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegates and
