

David H. Feinberg

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Beyond Charlotte Street

Three years ago the South Bronx became much more than a decaying inner-city neighborhood. On October 5, 1977, a motorcade

From Beantown to the South Bronx

P EOPLE SAY BOSTON IS Kevin White's town..." Ed Logue pauses in the middle of his sentence. He doesn't have

Homesteading on 149th St.

T HE MAYORS OF AMERICA'S cities have nothing to rejoice about this election year. In 1976 they had some hope.

Carter to Cities: Drop Dead

L AST DECEMBER, Ted Kennedy whisked his campaign into the Big Apple pointing out that President Carter had turned "thumbs

Not VAT Again

R USSELL LONG usually barges into Senate hearings as if he were entering a red-neek Southern bar. Last year, he
