

Maxine S. Paisner

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Soc Rel Gets A Permanent Administrator

George W. Goethals '43, lecturer on Social Relations, has been named permanent associate chairman of the Social Relations Department, David

Study Probes Girls' Minds After College

In an attempt to determine why "women's intellectual achievements seem to go to seed" after college, a distinguished female psychiatrist

I Was a Radcliffe Cheerleader...and Lived to Tell the Tale

I was a Radcliffe cheerleader. Now that mays sound strange, because the two are obviously mutually exclusive. A Radcliffe girl

Law School's Toepfer Quits Admissions Post

The man who has directed admissions at the Law School for 17 years will leave Harvard to become dean of

'Cliffe To Let 20 Girls Live Off in Spring

Radcliffe officials announced yesterday they will let a few students live in private apartments on an experimental basis next semester.

Labor Dispute Seems Imminent for 'Cliffe

Six Radcliffe night watchmen and college administrators appear to be headed toward a bitter labor dispute. It was announced last

Legend Loses Lengthy Lines

When the marquee in front of the Brattle announces To Have and Have Not and the line doesn't stretch twice

Summer School's Expansion Threatens Classroom Space

Predictions about the weather often wrong; so also are predictions about the Red Sox chances winning the pennant, and Long

Three One-Act Plays

It's hard to understand why three such different plays have been combined into one program at the Experimental Theater. No

Students Will Not Be Drafted To Fill Bigger Army Quotas

Draft boards will have to call 19-year-olds as a result of the increase in the draft call announced yesterday by

Radcliffe Graduates 249 At 83rd Commencement

249 members of the Radcliffe Class of 1965 were "admitted to the fellowship of the educated" at the college'es 833rd

Don't Let Creativity Die, Says Thimann

"Creative energy is you; no person or circumstance can stifle it unless you let it," Kenneth V. Thimann, Higgins Professor

Hoffmann, Defense Dept's Ellsberg Disagree on Withdrawal in Vietnam

"The Administration's present policy in Vietnam raises--to be polite--certain questions," Stanley H. Hoffmann, professor of Government, commented last night at

"You Rioted Sunday? Tell Me About It..."

Reading period riots represent a of Oedipal rebellion," according member of the Soc Rel department. Kenneth J. Gergen, chairman of

Time' Examines Ivy League Rejects; Glimp Calls Assertions Uninformed

I've been shafted by society," said the young man (who father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather had all gone to Harvard)
