

Karen W. Levy

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Harvard-MIT Center Gets $3M

A multi-million dollar Defense Department grant awarded last year to Harvard and MIT will make Cambridge New England's foremost center

Pioneer Physicist Takes Joint Tenured Position

An expert in condensed matter physics has accepted the joint posts of Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics in the

Stanford Plans D.C. Site for Interns

Stanford University will extend its campus 3000 miles to open a special branch in Washington, D.C., for students to intern

Charles Square: Catering to the Elite

"What, You Haven't Been to Charles Square?" asked the voice on the radio in last spring's advertisement campaign to promote

Bok Visits Holworthy Freshmen

For the freshmen in Holworthy Hall's middle entry, yesterday was a day to write home about. After weeks of preparation

Arts Office Hands Out Awards

A project to mount flowers on trees around Harvard Yard and the revival of a ballet based on the comic
