

Scott M. Finn

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'School Reform Needs Long-Range Planning'

The debate about reform of public education in America should focus on long-term policy instead of quick-fix solutions, a five-member

Students Divided on Thomas Nomination

With only one day remaining until the scheduled vote to confirm Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, many Harvard students

PBH Plans Overhaul of Internal Structure

The Phillips Brooks House (PBH) cabinet Sunday night considered the possibilities and implications of a fundamental change in its corporate

Local Fans Mourn Miles Davis

Harvard jazz enthusiasts are mourning the death of legendary trumpeter Miles Davis, as local radio stations continue to play marathon

Dining Halls: Rumblings of Discontent

Harvard students might still be singing hosannas to new Dining Services director Michael W. Berry, but some dining hall employees

New Democrat Group Emerges

Democratic gubernatorial nominee John R. Silber can count on the support of at least two Harvard students--the two that comprise

Dukakis, At Lunch, Praises Silber

More than 300 people brown-bagged it for lunch with outgoing Gov. Michael S. Dukakis at the Kennedy School of Government

Undergrads Hide Illegal Pets

Do you want someone to snuggle up with during the cold winter nights to come? Would you like that someone

Law Students Demand More Minority Faculty

Mixing folk songs, blues harmonica and speeches, about 150 people gathered at the Law School yesterday to press for more
