

Dan Visel

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Album Review: Mogwai

Mogwai have always been one of the most accessible bands in the post-rock camp, in no small part because they're

Concert Review: Pre-Millenial Tricky

Tricky, once Adrian Thawes, is undeniably one of the most influential artists to come out of the trip-hop scene. Countless


Stereolab Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night Elektra Across at least six proper albums and numerous

Concert Review: Living Large With Lamb Live

The duo of singer Louise Rhodes and multi-instrumentalist Andy Barlow--better known as Lamb--craft excellent trip-hoppy pop in an unmistakeably British

Don DeLillo Poses For Candid Camera

VALPARAISO Directed by David Wheeler At the American Repertory Theatre Through Mar. 17 A man who should be flying to


Oval with Christophe Charles Dok Oval is one Markus Popp, a German-born artist. Dok, a collaboration with Japanese musician Christophe

Punk on Ecstasy

Rock is, as 1997 made abundantly clear, dead. The biggest tour of the year was the Rolling Stones. The radio
