

Douglas L. Tweedale

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College Security

The Campus Security Committee, a student/faculty group charged with improving student security at Harvard, may implement a walking escort program

New FDO Security Program Will Stress Crime Prevention

The Freshman Dean's Office (FDO) will institute a program next fall to educate incoming freshmen about crime and student safety

Born-Again Populism

At a hotel across the street from Cleveland's oldest and most prestigious businessman's club, the Citizens' Party Founding Convention last

Students Form Feminist Group, New Coalition

Students at a Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS)-sponsored meeting last night said they plan to form two groups to help

Students to Organize Security Group

At an organizational meeting last night of Students Organized for Security 17 students decided to seek University recognition for the

Intelligence Project

Luis Alberto Machodo, a Venezuelan cabinet member, said last night he plans to use psychological techniques of "early intervention" in

Marathoners Question Woman's Finish

Runners in Monday's Boston Marathon, including the winner Bill Rodgers, said yesterday they believe allegations that Rosie Ruiz, the first-place

Campus Security

A group of students plans to form an organization to raise student awareness of violent crime at Harvard and to

Governor Asks Nuclear Waste Disposal Laws

South Carolina Gov. Richard W. Riley yesterday urged Congress to mandate that states producing low-level nuclear waste assume responsibility for
