

Michael S. Gruen

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A Center in Search of a Program

T HE Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts offers very little novelty in its program--only two unprecedented new courses. Yet,

Mark E. Talisman

Mark Talisman '63 is showing both photographs and sculpture executed during the past four years. I am a little disappointed

Martha Rochlin and Drew DeShong

For anyone who would risk his soul by approaching the Audio Lab where (as the ads reveal) nearly nude sirens

House Art Exhibits

There ought to be a law. Something--anything--to keep House art committees from exhibiting everybody who likes to doodle nudes as

Architect Lectures on Versatility Of Reinforced Concrete Designs

Using a series of examples from his own work, Pier Luigi Nervi last night illustrated his belief in the close

Nervi Ties Technique to Aesthetics, Urges Simple Style in Architecture

No building has ever been "recognized as excellent from the aesthetic point of view if it is not also excellent

Vincent van Gogh

The splashes and splotches, drippings and oily rag montages of contemporary art are commonly explained by their producers as deep

Campus Conservatives--lose Argument, Few Facts

L IBERALS often have a tendency to view the current upsurge in extreme conservative politics as an expression of simplistic

Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller, internationally renowned architect, inventor of the Dymaxion house, the geodesic dome, and the Dymaxion World Map, is living

Architects Should Solve Problems Of Human Survival, Fuller Claims

Architects, not politicians, must lay the basis for the solution of world problems, asserted R. Buckminster Fuller to an audience

Radcliffe Art Exhibit

There are cynics, no doubt, who have believed that the addition of several murky pastel shades to the architectural embellishments

Traveller Analyzes Soviets as People, Not Economic Cogs

S INCE the death of Stalin, American readers have each year been subjected to the same stock exposes of the

Habsburg Heir Urges Broader Anti-Soviet Diplomatic Offense

With an adequately offensive diplomatic police, the free nations of the West can destroy the Communist threat, the now arch-democratic

Notes From A Yugoslavian Journey

Crossing from Austria into Yugoslavia differs little from crossing any other Western European boundary. True, there is a double border,

Sidney J. Hurwitz

Yesterday's opening of a new gallery at the Club Mt. Auburn threatens to arouse the most profound disillusionment among the
