

Adi Krause

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The Ideology of Modernity

M ost books that make it to the top of The New York Times bestselling non-fiction list get there either

An Instrument of Change

A s the new dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) sees it, he's in the same

Students to Defend Ignatiev

A group of Dunster House residents will meet with Master Karel Liem today to protest to his decision to dismiss

The American Prospect Moves to Cambridge

With a picture of John F. Kennedy '40 on the wall and a program for universal health insurance in hand,

Frank HLS Class Day Speaker

Rep. Barney E. Frank '61 (D-Mass.) will be the keynote speaker at the Harvard Law School's Class Day ceremonies, class

Anthropologist Named New Eliot Senior Tutor

If you're interested Indonesian religious rites, don't go to Jakarta. Try Eliot House instead. Culminating a search that began in

Homeless Will Join Students

Boston area college students and homeless people will share common ground tonight as part of a "sleepout" at Tuffs University

Students Celebrate Planet

Free Ben and Jerry's ice cream, a lunch served on frisbees and live music from student bands attracted hundreds yesterday

Annual BGLAD Celebration Begins Today

This year's celebration of Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Days (BGLAD) opens today with a talk by prominent gay novelist

CNN Correspondent Defends Stay in Iraq

Cable News Network correspondent Peter Arnett defended his reporting of the Gulf War behind enemy lines in a speech that

Mystery Fumes Strike Emerson

The Cambridge Fire Department evacuated approximately 150 people from Emerson Hall last night in response to reports of mysterious fumes

First-Years Begin Gay Group

A number of first-year students have formed a group to support bisexual, gay and lesbian first-year students who are considering

Lacrosse Suspect Arraigned for Shootings, Assault

A man wanted by Harvard police and several other local and federal authorities for a string of bank robberies and

Students Celebrate Diversity

The Society of Arab Students performed a traditional Palestinian dance, the Latinas Unidas staged a modern Hispanic play commiserating the

Return to the Ivory Tower

S tudents taking Science B-16 "History of the Earth and Life" or Science B-46 "Molecular Biology and the Structure of
