

Noemi Flores

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New Journal Addresses Law and Negotiation

A group of 31 students and five faculty at Harvard Law School joined together early last month to create the

Dershowitz Pens Novel

Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz has a new legal thriller out. The difference is that this time, it's

Law School Profs Talk O.J.

Harvard Law School yesterday followed the lead of countless bars, beauty parlors and bowling alleys across the nation and leaped

BLSA to Include Non-Blacks

Responding to pressure from law students and administrators, the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) voted last week to rescind its

Harvard Square Musicians Play Unusual Instruments

It's not unusual to hear the sounds of music spilling out of Harvard Square, from South Americans playing near the

HRE Hires Pinkerton For Shops

Harvard Real Estate (HRE) has hired an independent security service to guard the Shops by Harvard Yard in the Holyoke

Water Problem Leaves Matthews High, Dry

Last spring and summer, work crews displaced more than 150 students while they renovated the interior of Matthews Hall. Apparently,

U.C. Comedy Evening Draws Sell-Out Crowd

Three comedians and the Harvard-Radcliffe Callbacks entertained about 300 students last night at a comedy show sponsored by the Undergraduate

Bigger Is Better in Winthrop House

It's straight out of the set for "Dead Again." A new collection of five giant utensils adorning the Winthrop House

Mandela, de Klerk Win Peace Nobel

Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress (ANC), and F.W. de Klerk, president of South Africa, shared the Nobel
