

Mark R. Hoffenberg

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T HE majority opinion ignores the ambiguities surrounding the massive computer break-in orchestrated by Morris. Knee-jerk declarations that "Morris must


While we support the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers for all the reasons articulated above, we oppose the

Telephone Number Madness

I have before me a prized possession--one that makes my undergraduate life here at Harvard a lot easier. It's called

Bucking the Corporate Trend?

A third-year student at Harvard Law School says she has an obligation to take the talent that God has given

'I Saw a Ghost in My Common Room'

Weld Hall's reputation as the center of Harvard's occult has been revived by the sighting of a ghost in one

Russki TV To Debut At H.U.

Harvard students can start watching Moscow's nightly news, Leningrad game-shows and ballet, athletics and soap-operas from the Soviet motherland by

Standing Room Only

While Harvard battles to fill its stadium at football games, University of Michigan students are fighting for the seats. Overcrowding

Tired of Sun 'n Surf? Try a Space Vacation

Want to take your next vacation in space? Well, you're in luck. Cambridge Travel Consultants, a travel agency in Holyoke
