

Jessie M. Amberg

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Students Head Home for Thanksgiving

Forget the Pilgrims. For many Harvard students, Thanksgiving has gone from a day of turkey and family bonding to a

Dragons, 'Weyrwomen' Haunt a Sci-Fi Writer's Domain

Upon graduating cum laude from Radcliffe, Anne I. McCaffrey '47 never would have guessed that she would become one of

New Robin Williams Movie Filming in Square

Hollywood is once again visiting Harvard, as a new movie featuring Robin Williams began filming in and around the Square

Students Ponder Proposal For Core

Most students have strong--if mixed--feelings about the Core changes the Faculty is likely to approve tomorrow. The proposed changes include

First-Year Nets National Award, Free Software

Free software may not seem like much of a reward to most students, but to Maneesh R. Amancharla '00-'99, receiving

Hussain Will Appear on MTV

Not many Harvard students would proudly describe themselves as "idiots." But Murad S. Hussain '99 doesn't hesitate to do so.

HUCTW Holds Vigil for Benefits

About 60 members of Harvard's largest union held a candlelight vigil outside President Neil L. Rudenstine's home last night to

Lewis Appoints Becella as New FAS Registrar

Arlene F. Becella was named Registrar of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences after an extensive, sixmonth search, Dean of

'Smokeout' Hits Harvard Square

The Tobacco Control Program and Cambridge United for Smoking Prevention distributed anti-smoking literature in Cambridge as part of yesterday's 20th

K-School Plans Program

Organizers of the Kennedy School of Government's orientation for newly-elected members of congress are going full speed ahead, despite speculation

Union Members Rally Against Cut in Benefits

Undergraduates joined approximately 100 members of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW) in marching around Massachusetts Hall,

A Year After Death, Rabin Is Remembered

The sounds of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin singing the Jewish Song of Peace wafted through the courtyard of
