

Jonathan Shayne

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Anthropologist Moore Is Settling In

Sally Falk Moore is one of only 16 women tenured in the Faculty and the only woman professor in the

Spartacist Trial

The Third District Court yesterday postponed a probable cause hearing for a South House tutor and a member of the

SoHo Tutor Claims Assault After Protest

The case of a South House tutor and a Spartacist League member who have charged each other with assault in

Play Cancelled

Threatened with a lawsuit over performance rights, the Winthrop House Drama Society cancelled its winter production of "Brimstone and Treacle"

Media Causes Urban Violence, Guardian Angel Leader Says

Selfish media heroes and television violence are the causes of the country's crime problem, Curtis Sliwa, 22-year-old founder and leader

Leakey Speech

Anthropologist Richard E. Leakey stressed that much remains to be discovered about man's evolution at a conference on the origins

Winthrop Drama

The Winthrop House Drama Society may have to cancel its production of "Brimstone and Treacle" because a film production company
