

Michael G. Harpe

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Forgotten CORDS

T HE RECENT SEARCH for a successor to Albert M. Sacks, dean of the Law School, has illustrated the deficiencies

Back to the Drawing Board

It took the members of the Harvard Law Review more than four hours this week to agree on an affirmative

New Referee for the Paper Chase

President Bok ended months of speculation this week when he announced his selection of James Vorenberg '48, associate dean of

Three Review Editors Resign Over Affirmative Action Plan

Three members of the Harvard Law Review submitted their resignations over the weekend, citing disagreement with the Review's adoption last

An Affirmative Action

Stuart Singer, president of the Harvard Law Review, may be right when he says that everyone on the review recognizes

Rumors On New Law Dean Intensify; Bok May Have Offered Post To Judge

President Bok last December may have offered the deanship of the Law School to Robert E. Keeton, a federal judge

Law Review Adopts Affirmative Action

The Harvard Law Review, a prestigious law journal, yesterday altered its method of selecting members to try to increase the

Law Dean Candidates Decline Interview

Four Law School professors considered prime candidates to become the school's next dean recently declined to be interviewed by students,

New Ways to Find a Dean

When 17 Law School professors last week signed an internal memo asking the faculty to consider the dean-selecting procedure in

Professors Criticize Law Dean Search

Amid student demands for a formal role in the selection of a successor to Albert M. Sacks, dean of the

Law Students to Evaluate Faculty Dean Candidates

Law School students will try to interview faculty candidates for dean despite President Bok's rejection two weeks ago of student

Student Input? No Thanks

President Bok this week dashed the hopes of Law School students who had asked for a formal role in the

Bok Rejects Requests of Law Groups

In a private meeting with Law School student leaders yesterday, President Bok rejected the students' requests for a formal role

Students Want Say in Choice Of Law Dean

President Bok's search for a successor to Albert M. Sacks, dean of the Law School, who will step down next

Law School Class of '80 Flocks to Private Firms

Nearly three-quarters of this year's Law School graduates will enter-private law firms next fall--the most in recent years--while less than
