

Robin Kolodny

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Harvard Doctor Blamed for Patient Suicide

It was a media fantasty come true. It was a story about sex, doctors, suicide and even Harvard. It was

Levy Put on Leave By Medical Society

A Harvard Medical School professor has been placed on leave by the state medical society in response to charges that

Medical School Professor Covered Up for Colleague, Psychotherapist Charges

A Cambridge psychotherapist charged yesterday that Harvard Medical School faculty members attempted to cover up for a colleague accused of

Colleague Backs Up Family's Charges Against Psychiatrist

Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology Margaret H. Bean-Bayog '65 discussed her "erotic sexual feelings and sexual attraction" toward a patient

Harvard Doctor Defends Conduct

The Harvard Medical School psychiatrist accused of driving a patient to suicide after having an affair with him defended her


Imagine that you are trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle. If you can put all the pieces of the puzzle

Zen Abbot Calls for Social Action

Zen is an awakening to the one-ness of life and is a useful vehicle for social action, the first American-born

Grad Students Report Indecent Exposure

An unidentified man allegedly exposed himself to a Harvard graduate student in front of the Cronkhite Graduate Center Wednesday night,

Oberlin Proposes Three-Year Degrees

A controversial proposal by Oberlin College President S. Frederick Starr to offer a three-year bachelor's degree is turning heads in

Hillel Talk Focuses On Gay Experiences

An active member of Boston's gay and Jewish communities discussed how he has synthesized these two aspects of his identity

Student Talks of Acting Career

When many undergraduates were in grammar school, they would come home and watch "Little House on the Prairie." One Harvard
