

Will Meyerhofer

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Heaven Sent

Heaven Can Wait Written by Harry Segall Directed by Jeff Hass At the Currier House Fishbowl H EAVEN Can Wait

Trenchcoat Warfare

Play It Again, Sam Written By Woody Allen Directed by Elliot Thomson At the Dunster House Dining Hall Through this

Wins by A Nose

The Nose and From a Madman's Diary Adapted from short stories written by Nikolai Gogol Directed by Christopher Duffy At

Eager Igor

I T is abundantly clear, at least to those in the know, that Igor Kipnis '52 knows his way around

Candy Molehill

Candy Mountain Written by Rudy Wurlitzer Directed by Robert Frank and Rudy Wurlitzer At the USA Nickelodeon W ATCHING Candy

Galled Stones

Cocksucker Blues Directed by Robert Frank At the USA Cinema 57 February 23 E VERYONE has been paying a shitload

Knot Nice

I F YOU thought Rope was just a classic Alfred Hitchcock movie think again, because it saw its first performance

Basic Bunny

Harvey Written by Mary Chase Directed by David McConaughy At Eliot House this weekend W HAT CAN one really say

A Home-Grown Program

D AVID Feurzeig '87 ushered in an auspicious new season of Dunster House chamber concerts last Sunday afternoon with a
