

Elizabeth S. Colt

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Glossies, Maps and History

Voyagers to the West Bernard Bailyn Knopf; 668 pages; $30. B ERNARD BAILYN rarely takes on a project without the

The Crumbling Hierarchy

Quick administrative turnover and serious criticism from both student and faculty groups have characterized the five-year tenure of Dartmouth's President

Thinking Positive

"Picture yourself in a place that's comfortable, very relaxing, perhaps on a beach with a golden sun," a hypnotic voice

Three Seniors Purchase Limousine

Opening the door to the sleek black limousine reveals an elaborate dashboard, blue velour interior, and the proud grins of

Junior Plans Freshman House Guide

This year's freshmen will have some additional advice--from residents of each of the Houses--when making their lottery choices thanks to

Club Casablanca Reopens After Workers Approve Contract

Inviting customers to "Round Up the Usual Suspects," the Club Casablanca reopened this weekend after a negotiated settlement ended the

Club Casablanca Employees Strike for Health Benefits

A small crowd of striking workers picketed the Brattle Street entrance to the Club Casablanca yesterday, pressing their demands for

Students May Lose Grants By Registering Locally

Out of state students may no longer be eligible for their home state scholarships next year after registering to vote
