

Deborah Wexler

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Lions and Tigers and Trilobites, Oh My!

They come for the flowers, they stay for the animals. The Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), like the other Harvard

Part Scores a Spare

THEATER Happy Part by Michael Sonnenschein directed by Matthew Pakulski and Michael Sonnenschein at Leverett E Basement Student playwright and

Design and the Abortion Debate

C olumnists and casual conversationalists alike are obsessed with the issue of a woman's control over her body; all shout

A Political Phenomenon

C arol Moseley Braun, the Democratic candidate for Senate in Illinois, has become the woman of the year in what

Checking You In

There aren't many people you can count on seeing twice a day, everyday. Except, that is, your dining hall ID


Most students at Harvard don't see using a fake I.D. as a matter of breaking the law. It's more like


Andrew T. Starr '91-93 made news in the spring of 1990 when he reported to 20th Century Fox that Dunster

No Justice for This Working Man!

It's funnier than Hairspray. It attracts more late-night fans than Rocky Horror. The music is better than Cats. But like

Intimate Exploration of a Dysfunctional Family

This production of James Goldman's Lion in Winter offers an intimacy and intensity that the Academy Award-winning movie starring Katherine

The Show That Needs No Luck

Jonathan Hamel's direction of The Man who Had all The Luck, combined with exceptional acting, makes this production a standout

Much More Than a Western Flick

The productions of The Indian Wants the Bronx and Fool for Love have been jointly billed as "Cowboys and Indians,"

Novelist A. S. Byatt Discusses Possession

Novelist and literary critic A.S. Byatt recently read a selection from her work and answered questions in the final installment

City Officals Hear Pot Expert

Cambridge Democratic City Committee members and other city residents met last night to discuss what actions citizens could take to
