

Jessica H. Fong

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Epps Negs Kegs In Favor of Cans At Springfest

Students who were looking forward to free beer at Springfest '98 will still get it, but in cans rather than

College Cancels Casino Nights Citing Statute

Harvard students who were hoping to try their luck at the roulette wheel without leaving campus may have to change

GSE Gets $2 Million For Doctoral Students

Harvard's Graduate School of Education (GSE) has been awarded a $2 million grant to provide financial aid to students in

Five Seniors Awarded Rockefeller Fellowship

Five seniors have been awarded the Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship for a year of travel after graduation. The 1997-98

Lin Elected HCS Chief

Running unopposed, Justin T. Lin '98 last night was elected the new president of the Harvard Computer Society (HCS). Lin
