

Mitchell A. Orenstein

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Would You Give This Man $29?

WHEN Professor Anna Chave announced that students should take advantage of Eastern Airlines $12 fares to visit New York's Museum

Your Guest is as Good as Mine

CALL in the Catholic Church. Call in the National Guard. It's perhaps the most absurd statement by a college administrator

Has Bok Passed the QRR?

P RESIDENT Derek Bok's "Statement on Neutrality and the Union Election" may not address the real issues involved in Harvard's

Winning in Central America?

O N May 21, a group of Vietnam veterans is sending a convoy of 50 trucks down to Nicaragua to

Laissez-Faire Racism

E VERYONE knows that racial intolerance has been building during the Reagan years. We can all feel it--and we can

The Jewish-American Dilemma

W OULD you fight for your country? Right or wrong? Vietnam diluted our absolute allegiance to our country and made

Herald Hits Shelter Closing

In an apparent swipe at the presidential campaign of Gov. Michael S. Dukakis, the Boston Herald this week revealed that

Getting Off the Fence

I N a thought-provoking letter to the Crimson, Undergraduate Council Vice-Chairman Jeffrey A. Cooper '90 refuted my strongly worded February

An Abdication of Council-ar Authority

T HERE'S nothing sadder than an impotent government. The Undergraduate Council is a case in point. But first, credit must

Absence of Intelligence

W hen the Harvard faculty voted 385-25 to kick ROTC off campus in 1969, Psychology Professor Jerome S. Bruner noted

Clubbed to Death

A LOT of people complain about social life at Harvard. The women complain about the men. The men complain about

Diversifying After Divestment

T HOSE who are making protester-bashing au courrant on campus may make for lively dinnertable conversation, but they don't make

The NIMBY Syndrome

I HAVE spent a significant amount of time and energy trying to convince people that New Jersey is a nice

Free Speech Paradox

T HE LAW SCHOOL Republican Club took extra special care last Friday to secure a forum for contra leader Adolfo

Rally for Responsibility

O N APRIL 25TH, approximately 200,000 people will rally in Washington, D.C. for justice and peace in Central America and
