

Gregory R. Galperin

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Shopping Period Blues

T HE staff position fails to take into account a number of factors which make lotteries an inevitable part of

Pentagon May Restore Computer Network Ties

Experts said yesterday that they expect the Pentagon this weekend to restore the communication links between the military's unclassified computer

Virus Sparks Ethics Concerns

Damage done by the "Cornell virus," a havoc-wreaking computer program written by 1988 Harvard graduate Robert T. Morris Jr., has

Computer `Virus' Infects Nation With Built-In Wile

Robert T. Morris Jr. '87-'88, the Cornell graduate student who authored a program which disabled thousands of mainframe computers throughout

Computer Expert: Virus Not Just a Simple Prank

After spending more than 36 hours interpreting the computer code of the now infamous "Cornell virus," one of the nation's

Computer Team Nabs Northeast Region Title

Harvard's computer team won the Northeast Regional Scholastic Programming Contest on Saturday for the third year in a row and
