

Elizabeth A. Leiman

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Mind Games

B ETRAYAL is a chess match masquerading as a play: Harold Pinter's latest occasion for us to play mind games

A Process of Forgetting

V S. NAIPAUL's is an immensely articulate voice of concern, sensitive to the dilemmas of developing countries but not sympathetic

Paranoid But Still Powerful

No one cares about the School Committee. Candidates spend as much time convincing the public to take them seriously as

Merger Without Manners

Diana Trilling '25 came to Cambridge to view first-hand the effects of co-residency. With her husband Lionel she moved into

City Sues Under Pinball Law

The City of Cambridge is trying to dim the flashing lights at the Game Time pinball emporium at Porter Square.

High School Means Business To Students at the Enterprise

At Enterprise Co-op you can make pizza, earn money and get high school credit--but you have to drop out first.

Chinese Delegates In Social Sciences Will Visit Harvard

Ten high-level delegates from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences are scheduled to visit Harvard on Monday for two days

Rather Speaks on Objectivity Before ARCO Forum Audience

Trends in American society threaten the role of the journalist as "an honest broker of information," CBS news correspondent Dan

Higginbotham Advocates Action In Honor of King's Memory

Martin Luther King Jr. faced problems problems of social justice different from those America faces today, but America must pursue
