

Ghita Schwarz

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Fighting the Law School Urge

I T'S not like everyone I know is going to law school. There are plenty of other options. Some of

A Major Decision

D O YOU know those decisions that you regret for years afterwards? The ones that wake you up in the

Sleepless Nights

I ALWAYS found the concept of insomnia unimaginable. I came to college with three alarm clocks set five minutes apart

The Rad Radcliffe Quarterly

T HE Radcliffe Quarterly has a "new look." The December issue is glossy, with a full-page color photograph on the

The Blindness of Bush

T HE Bush administration continues to be blind to the human rights abuses perpetrated by the right-wing regime we support

Cold War in Central America

T HE Cold War has been declared officially over many times in the last few weeks. Poland has replaced its

Defending Our Generation

H OW many times have we heard it before? The alleged slogan of the "younger generation" is "MAKE BUCKS, NOT

Whose Choice? Whose Life?

O NE reason pro-choice activists call themselves "pro-choice" and not "pro-abortion" is to highlight the fact that they are fighting

The Changing Rhetoric of Rape

N ews coverage of the pending abortion rights bill in Congress was heavy last week. Watching TV the other night,

Fraud and U.S. Foreign Policy

"T HESE people are absolutely shameless!" exclaimed Gerald Ford on Monday, denouncing Panama's election fraud. General Noriega's security forces have

Wider Discrimination

S TUDENT debate this week has centered around a variety of misconceptions about ROTC and its role on campus. Here

Take Back the Campus

T HE annual Take Back the Night week at Harvard can be a union of women against violence, a symbolic

A Stubborn Castro

O NE person who may not be so enthusiastic about Mikhail Gorbachev's reforming impulse is Fidel Castro. While Gorbachev's glasnost

Hatred in the West Bank

"I SRAELI Army Pushes Town to Hatred in West Bank"--so ran a headline in The New York Times last week,

The Dangers of Imperialism

P RESIDENT Bush has only now begun to select a foreign policy team for Central America; Vice-President Quayle calls for
