

Lana Israel

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College Introduces New Neuroscience Tracks

In an unprecedented interdisciplinary initiative, four new undergraduate concentration tracks--the first of their kind--have already attracted over 100 Harvard undergraduates,

Mack: Scientist Or Tale-Spinner?

At first glance, Dr. John E. Mack would seem to be on top of the world. A Pulitzer Prize winner,

A Patient of Mack's Recounts His Abduction by Aliens

Peter Faust says he has been abducted repeatedly ever since his youth. His first conscious recollection of these experiences came

Mack's Research Is Under Scrutiny

Dean of the Medical School Daniel C. Tosteson '46 has convened a secret "ad-hoc fact finding" committee to investigate the

Students Confront Clinical Despair

"I called it my existential crisis," said a sophomore English concentrator, remembering the fall of last year. "Everything felt completely

Rocket Scientists Take Skills To Wall St.

Purists in physics departments cringe these days, as more of the faithful leave the scientific fold. Stories of rocket scientists

Perspectives on Dyslexia

What do Cher, Greg Louganis and Whoopi Goldberg have in common? Surprisingly, the answer is a learning disability--dyslexia. Yet, as

Ringside for the Nobels

STOCKHOLM, Sweden--While winning a Nobel Prize seems contingent upon the possession of an industrious and ingenious mind, a familiarity with

Doctor Probes Virus, Liver Cancer Link

There are many medical risks seemingly unquestioned by doctors and patients alike. Most people know, for example, that hypertension significantly

Into The Recesses of Your Mind

Want to learn about the way the human brain works? Don't open up a textbook. Just lift the hood of

Wilson Wins Int'l Biology Prize

Baird Professor of Science E.O. Wilson, the world's foremost expert on ants and a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, added to

Wilson Makes TV Debut

Students who skipped yesterday's Science B-15 class can make up for their delinquency in a couple of weeks--by turning on

`Mr. T' Visits Lampoon Castle

Sporting his trademark mohawk, gold chains adorned with silverware, massive hoop earrings (three per ear) and five rings, Hollywood celebrity
