

Steve Lichtman

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Dog Day Afternoon

Fifth of July By Lanford Wilson Directed by Shawn Hainsworth At Leverett tonight and tomorrow I S IT FAIR to

A Full Court Press

Reckless Disregard by Renata Adler Alfred A. Knopf; 243 pp.; $16.95. T HE FLIP SIDE of the old saw about

Capitol Improvements

I F YOU SEE people smiling nowadays, odds are they're Democrats. Dese Dems are happy, of course, about snatching the

Middle-Eastern Establishments

Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in the Promised Land by David K. Shipler; Times Books, pp. 596, $22.50. O N

Where to Find the Beef

The Fast Food Guide by Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., and Sarah Fritschner Workman Publishing; 225 pp.; $4.95 I N THIS


N EWSWEEK HASN'T done a cover story on drugs for a while now, so the drug hysteria of this past
