

Janet F. Fifer

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A Star Is Born: R136A Makes Debut

Three astronomers at the University of Wisconsin say they have discovered a star that conventional astronomical theories say cannot exist.

Scientist Finds Fungus In Marijuana

Illegally obtained marijuana often contains a common fungus which can cause lung infections and allergic reactions, a researcher at the

Test Tube Births Safe, Med School Doctor Says

Although conceiving babies in test tubes may slightly increase the chances of birth defects, the technique "may be a useful

Bok Refuses Student Request For Input on Quincy Master

A Quincy House resident received a letter from President Bok last week denying a request that representatives from the Quincy

Experts Urge U.S. Government To Restrain Japan Auto Trade

Representatives from different sectors of the U.S. automobile industry said yesterday the Federal Government must take action to alleviate a

Residents of Quincy House Seek Role in Master Selection

A representative of Quincy House residents delivered letters from the House's Junior and Senior Common Rooms to President Bok yesterday

Tate Will Serve As Acting Master Of Dunster House

John H. Tate Jr., Perkins Professor of Mathematics, will serve as acting Master of Dunster House next year pending administrative

Science B-16 Students Found Cheating

Thirteen students in Science B-16, "The History of the Earth and of Life," recieved zeros on the take-home midterm because

Gloom and Desperation Prevail At Forum and House Parties

Despair and resignation permeated the small groups of Harvard students who gathered last night to mourn the election of Ronald

MIT and Industry

MIT implemented a new program this month to strengthen ties between academic institutions and industry. The Faculty Fellows Program, supported
