

Henry W. Mcgee iii

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The White Man Don' Be Understandin' Me

T HE LANGUAGE of black Americans has long been subjected to racist analyses. Unable to understand a language that sounds

Richard Nixon's Short Coattails

" P OLITICAL CAMPAIGNS are similar to military campaigns," John H. Chafee, Nixon's former secretary of the Navy and the

Angela Davis Says McGovern And Nixon Present No Choice

Black Communist Angela Davis told a racially mixed crowd of 1000 in Roxbury last night that, "there is no fundamental

The GOP Strategy: Organizing Nixon Youth From the Top Down, Reitz Now Has 200,000 Student Volunteers

A T THE BEGINNING OF THIS year's presidential campaign, it was generally thought that Senator George McGovern would capture the

Black Movies: A New Wave of Exploitation

O NCE ON THE VERGE of closing for lack of attendance, central-city theaters are currently doing a booming business with

Giving Dr. Reuben the Finger

W oody Allen reminds me of the class comedian in high school. You know, the one who always had smartass

'To Get a Good Job, Get'...Uh

T HE MOST BASIC tenet of post-war civil rights ideology was that equal educational opportunity would eventually lead to economic

Another Gift From England

O NCE AGAIN the English have given American rock musicians something to think about. No longer content to ape twelve

PALC, Afro Plan to Rally at Forbes To Protest CRR Mass Hall Hearings

The Strategy Committee of Harvard-Radcliffe Afro and the Pan-African Liberation Committee (PALC) yesterday announced plans to hold a mass rally

Steiner Demands PALC Leave Hall Immediately

As the occupation of Massachusetts Hall by the Pan African Liberation Committee (PALC) and Harvard-Radcliffe Afro entered its fifth day,

Gimme That Ol' Time Music

A LTHOUGH ROCK music has travelled down a dozen different paths and undergone a hundred different changes it had always

The Concert for Bangladesh

H ALF THE FUN of rock and roll is stage presence and pure showmanship. The major problem with live recordings

Black Caucus: New National Priorities?

T HE Congressional Black Caucus had to face a barrage of embarrassing questions last week, questions that essentially laid bare

Can a White Man Play the Blues?

C AN A WHITE man play the blues? The answer, of course, depends on what we call the blues. If

CIA Recruiting Blacks From Oberlin

Representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) held a recruiting meeting for black students at Oberlin College in Ohio late
