

Allyson V. Hobbs

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Software Contract Renewed

After a nearly nine-month delay, Harvard has renewed its software maintenance agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc., said Williams s. Toth,

Students Seek House Transfers

Stephanie M. Kladakis '96 says she was devastated last spring after being assigned to live in Cabot House for the

House Narrows Masters Search

Applicants to be the next masters of Winthrop House have been winnowed down to a short list of about six

Yard Bulletin Goes Electric

Starting today, first-year students will no longer find Yard Bulletins dropped at their doors. The weekly bulletin of information from

`Share a Cab' Fares Declared Unjust

You wanted to fly USAir home for Thanksgiving. But your roommate was trying to accumulate frequent flyer miles on Delta.

Staying At School for Thanksgiving

For many students, the work at Harvard never ends. Never. Ever. Not even for Thanksgiving vacation. This year, like all

M. Ruggers Prevail

Since 1874, Harvard and McGill have been battling each other in the longest-running rivalry in North American rugby. On Saturday

Panel Addresses 'Glass Ceilings'

Women who work in the corporate world constantly confront employment discrimination, said eight professional women at a Law School panel

Ministers Blast N.J. Elections

Local ministers interviewed yesterday expressed outrage at allegations that New Jersey's Republican Governor-Elect Christine Todd Whitman paid Black ministers to

Students, Faculty Laud West Decision

Students and professors yesterday praised the appointment of Afro-American studies scholar Cornel R. West '74, saying it marks the rejuvenation

Perot, Gore Face Off

Vice President Al Gore '69 and former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot squared off last night on national television in

Novelist Atwood Visits City Library

Bestselling author Margaret Atwood read excerpts and signed copies of her latest novel, The Robber Bride, at the Cambridge Public

CLUH Conference Tackles Free Speech Issue

Protecting and encouraging free speech at private universities is vital to education, said Harvey A. Silverglate, former president of the

Cambridge Jogger Claims Harvard ROTC Students Ran Her Off Path

For most, a jog along the Charles River is a time to trade the stressful hustle and bustle of Harvard

Hollywood Meets Washington at IOP

Is it wrong for Janet Reno to have dinner with Barbra Streisand? Do celebrities only support causes as an attempt
