

Darshak M. Sanghavi

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All Affirmation, No Action

A SIAN-AMERICAN students at Harvard are increasingly finding their minority status in limbo. On one hand, they comprise about 15

Saying the 'L' Word to the Folks

A BOUT 15 years ago, any depressed person could have found some solace in talking to me. "How are you

Tech Beyond the QRR

L AST month, I gave in to the march of technology and purchased a Macintosh computer to assist my productivity.

Frosh Phone Follies

U SING the phone never ceases to fascinate me. Last fall, I sent New England Telephone an application for phone

Cold Fusion Could Alter World Economy

While researchers argue over the scientific feasibility of cold fusion, another--and even more speculative--debate is raging over the potential economic

250 Students Are Evacuated From Union

About 250 students were evacuated from the Freshman Union Thursday afternoon when a sprinkler system in adjoining Burr Hall ruptured

Wall St. Investor Defends Use of Leveraged Buyouts

Corporate leveraged buyouts (LBOs) permit greater efficiency and lead to competitiveness in international markets, a Wall Street entrepreneur told about

Women's History Speech Discusses Prostitution

Paintings depicting prostitution in 18th century Holland often reflected patronizing attitudes towards women, said a Dutch professor yesterday at a

Spring Must Have Arrived: First Seniors Submit Theses

She trudged up the stairs of Burr Hall, threw open the door of the History and Literature office, dropped two
