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Malcolm X Hails Race Separation

"I'm not a Democrat or a Republican or an American or anything you want me to be," Malcolm X told

Germany and MLF

In the past few months two conferences of NATO nations have rejected American proposals for a multilateral force (MLF) as

Write-In Votes for Ambassador Lodge Send 'Non-Candidate' to N.H. Victory

NEW YORK CITY, March 10--Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller hailed the outcome of the New Hampshire primary as "a victory of

Thesis Thoughts: A Parable

Garland. Garland. The Great God Garland. The Rise of the American Mystic. Maybe. Disillusioned by the war, America expands beyond


Heroes are no new thing to Western Civilization; they serve to define ambition and to personify philosophy. In them we

'Crisis' in Alabama

One largely unanticipated by-product of civil rights activity this year has been its creative impact on television news coverage. All

Goodman Claims Modern Novelists Ignore Political Side of Characters

Seated nervously in a deep leather chair in the Adams House Junior Common Room, tie unfastened, jacket off, Paul Goodman,

How Important Is O'Hara?

John O'Hara is generally considered a fine stylist. He is easy to read, unusually observant, and apparently easy to understand.

Expansion Threatens Sarah Lawrence Ideal

Sarah Lawrence is a classless community for the very rich. Although its tuition is prohibitively high ($2950 a year) and

'Abolition' Film, HUAC Discussed In Speech, Debate in Cambridge

Six members of the Harvard varsity debate team argued the pros and cons of the House Un-American Activities Committee last

Petition Condemns Aid To Anti-Castro Forces

A petition urging President Kennedy to cease giving military and economic aid to Cuban revolutionary groups is being circulated among
