

Anthony Hiss

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The Braggart Warrior

Some very funny people have happened to Plautus on his way from the Loeb Library to the Loeb Drama Center.

Measure for Measure

Mr. Thomas Babe, a senior, is currently making his adieux to the Harvard stage by directing a production of Measure

The Braggart Warrior

Some very funny people have happened to Plautus on his way from the Loeb Library to the Loeb Drama Center.

Music at Midnight

Music at Midnight, a new play that is fatuous in a wholly undistinguished way, brings the urgings of Moral Re-Armament

Juno and the Paycock

The Abbott Theatre (so called because Mr. Samuel Abbott is the director of the Juno and the Paycock now at

The Hollow Crown

A cat may look at a king; so I suppose that one must concede to Mr. John Barton the right

The Horse's Mouth

The measure of Alec Guinness's achievement in The Horse's Mouth is a slick short that the Brattle has chosen to

Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence of Arabia is a movie about an actor named Peter O'Toole. It is very much like another British movie

Old 'Crimson's' Guide to Christmas Cheer: 'II

Almost Christmas again--and, we know you, your problem is you haven't even begun to shop. Got it in one, eh?

Dr. Jonathan Miller

We were fortunate enough a couple of months ago to usurp an hour of the busy and valuable time of


Mosaic, the publication of the Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel Societies, has with its most recent issue reached its second-and-a-half birthday, which certainly

The Yeomen of the Guard

Imagine, if you will, for one heart-stopping moment a production of The Yeomen of the Guard that included Doris Day

Richard III

If ever a Harvard actor has been too good in a role, then perhaps Stanley F. Pickett, the Richard of

Never Too Late

Every Broadway season needs at least one show like Never Too Late. Probably no more than one, but one at

Cuba Protest Meeting

24 October 1962 10:00 Every seat filled in New Lecture Hall (Lowell to those who don't understand); 1000 reported waiting
