

Joseph A. Kanon

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

Richard Lester is everybody's favorite director. For those to whom movies are "cinema" he provides endless hours of coffee chitchat

David Olgivy

By almost any standards, David Olgivy is a successful man. He is handsome, imposing, articulate, urbane, powerful and, one presumes,

The Wrong Box

There are long lines these days at the Sack Cheri theater, for the new English comedy The Wrong Box. Hordes

Grendel, Fedora, and a Big Fat Hit: William Alfred is Still 'Just Folks'

The classic image of an English teacher invariably includes his having 'something in the drawer' that he's been reworking for

Grendel, Fedora, and a Big Fat Hit: William Alfred is Still 'Just Folks'

The classic image of an English teacher invariably includes his having 'something in the drawer' that he's been reworking for

Lillian Ross's Collection Of Talk Stories Sparkles

Lillian Ross is a girl-about-town. She frequents the Village, Central Park, the hairdresser's and other people's apartments. Her tastes in

The Group

In the old days, when Hollywood was still writing its own stuff, a movie "based on" a best-selling novel usually

My Eye Sees Not So Far

Near the beginning of Joel Schwartz's play, three actresses are discussing their roles in a play in sneering negatives. One

'The Cape of Winter

"Nobody goes to the Cape in the winter." The phrase haunts you as you speed down the Southeast Expressway, past

Boston Harbor: Facing an Uncertain Future While Nostalgic for Grandeur Long Past

Bostonians can point with pride to the fact that Boston as a port predated the United States as a nation

The Great American Desert

The Great American Desert is very much like the proverbial little girl who had a curl right in the middle


Undergraduate literary publications at Harvard are usually notorious for good intentions, poor quality, and quick exits. Some are simply notorious.

Is Paris Burning?

Hollywood has long been skillful in turning good books into bad movies, but Is Paris Burning is an unfortunate perversion
