

Neil A. Cooper

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Israel Is the Only True U.S. Ally

E VER since World War II, United States foreign policy has wavered between favoring the Arab states in the Middle

Dismal Social Life

T HE staff concentrates on criticizing fraternities and sororities instead of addressing the real issue: the dismal state of social

The Case Against Reunification

T HE more responsible people talk about the reunification of Germany, the more frightened I feel. As delirious Germans rejoice

Bush League Scandals

R ICHARD M. Nixon gave us Watergate and stuck the FBI on reporters. Gerald R. Ford dared us to forget

Being Frank in Philly

W HEN Democrat Frank Rizzo ran Philadelphia from the mayor's office in the 1970s, people called him a bully. A

Flying Frank's Friendly Airline

C ONTINENTAL Airlines' flight attendants recently went on strike. Since Continental is the sister airline of Frank Lorenzo's Eastern, you

Race and the G.O.P.

D AVID Letterman. Late Night. Top Ten. Home Office. Paul Schaffer. Jay Leno. Lee Atwater. Chris Elliott... Lee Atwater? If

Holding Ollie Accountable

A LTHOUGH Alexis de Tocqueville wrote his famous treatise questioning democracy's ability to promote an effective national security policy more

Time to Topple Tower

A FTER George Bush chose Dan Quayle to be his Vice-Presidential running mate, many questioned his judgment. Did the Republican


With the help of sophisticated surveillance equipment, The Crimson was able to intercept a three-way conference call from Washington on

Clouding the Abortion Issue

I was walking through Harvard Square two nights ago when a man with a sign informed me that fascism had

Bye, Bye, Ron

T WO nights ago Ronald Wilson Reagan delivered his farewell address, his opportunity to put his own special stamp on

The Aging Star Stays Home

During this week's baseball meetings in Atlanta, rumor had it that Philadelphia's Mike Schmidt would no longer be playing in

Say `Maybe' to the Stealth

T HE Stealth bomber, recently unveiled to the public, has long been popular in the American mind--witness commercials comparing Japanese

Talking About My Revolution

D ESPITE President Reagan's failure to enact many of his extreme proposals, the Reagan Revolution has influenced the presidential candidates
