

Michael Levenson

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Elsewhere Over the Rainbow

H AVING MADE MY WAY through the 760 pages of Gravity's Rainbow, I am sorely tempted to say that you

Before the Revolution

The films of the Dziga-Vertov group are, in this sense, films of struggle. To begin to talk about them, you

Bad and Bored

I F NOTHING DRASTIC is done. Francois Truffaut will soon pass quietly into insignificance. And that is too bad--it was

Beyond the End of the End of the Road

C HIMERA is not Barth's best book. It is not really even close. But it is serious experimentation of a

New Wave, Old Wave

S O MANY PEOPLE have said so many nice things about La Salamandre, one more word of praise will doubtless

The Last Screwball Comedy Show

I BET Peter Bogdanovich lies in bed nights, dreaming of limousines and sunglasses and breasty starlets with thighs in their

Polanski's Macbeth

M ORE THAN Hamlet and more than Lear, Macbeth and the movies are made for each other. Of the great

Gimme Kubrick

W ITHOUT so much as a last gasp, the movies' New Romanticism has vanished as quickly as it came. Meanwhile,

King Lear

M arlowe's Dr. Faustus turned up on television this past summer with Richard Burton in the title role and Elizabeth

Hoa Binh

T here is inside war, and there is outside war. Most of us have watched Vietnam only from the outside--where

A Manly Type of Love

F orster is dead. I miss him and I should not. He died last year, a ninety-year-old man with a
