

Charles N.W. Keckler

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Blasting Into a New Age

T HE coincidence of two events often reveals connections usually hidden. At the same time Gorbachev was visiting the country,

An `Animal Farm' Referendum

B ALLOT Question 3, which calls for new restrictions against "cruel and inhumane treatment" of farm animals, appears harmless and

In the Country of the Blind...

R OBERT Wright, now senior editor at The New Republic, appropriately begins his "search for meaning" by taking us on

Water on the Rocks

W ATER is the most spectacular possession of this planet and an essential ingredient of all living things. It's amazingly

Reagan's Starry-Eyed Idealism

D ONALD Regan, in the latest of the kiss-and-tell books on the Reagan Administration, revealed the regular use of astrology

Adding Fuel to the Fire

T HE AIDS epidemic is a truly modern dilemma in which the political, ethical and scientific parts of the problem

New Age Biology

I n the last two decades, people have begun to look to biology for answers to social and philosophical questions.
