

William H. Smock

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The Advocate

Three people come alive in the new Advocate: two drunk Canadian college students, and a tutor in Kirkland House. The

Trackmen Host Strong Army Team

Harvard takes on the U.S. Army Saturday at Briggs Cage. It looks to be close. Army strengths, in the weights

Stickmen Sputter at Colby, 4-4, Post 7-3 Loss to Eastern Olympic

Colby's netkeeper put a hex on Cooney Weiland's youthful icemen Saturday night, and hold Harvard to a 4-4 stole-mate up

Operation Exodus: Rebuff to Politicians

Every week for the past month, the parents of 327 Roxbury children have been shelling out $1,260 to get their

The Cool World

Harlem has enough sadness for a hundred movies. Unfortunately Shirley Clarke has tried to make all of them in The

Michael Roemer

Michael Roemer left Harvard in 1949 with an A.B. in English, and entered the movie industry as a director's on-location

Nothing But A Man

"I don't know anything at all about Negroes," Michael Roemer says in discussing his film--" except what I know about

The Eisenstein Festival

As the years pass it becomes harder and harder to appreciate Sergei Eisenstein on his own terms. By now his

The LSD Game

The editor of this anthology concludes his arguments for wider distribution of LSD with the statement, "No social authority can

The Four Flavors of Serving Ladies

Serving ladies in the House dining rooms are not an intensely individualistic clan. Their mode of dress and regional accent

The Guest

The Guest is a faithful movie translation of Harold Pinter's play The Caretaker. Although this is one of the least


There stands by Cam Bridge, newely built, a Temple of the Grail That St. Clair pleyed the Martir to, yelept

The Spire

William Golding's latest novel is more a diagram than a story. He bases the book on a tension between the
