

William J. Jason

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Protesters March on City Hall, Rally Against Mayor's Layoffs

An estimated 1000 demonstrators marched on Government Center at noon yesterday to protest Mayor Kevin H. White's layoff of 400

Speakers Urge 'Understanding'

Five speakers agreed that Americans must understand "the 'Soviet threat" and suggested pressuring the U.S. government to halt nuclear arms

College Peace Alliance Plans 'Peace Week' Activities, Forum

The Radcliffe-Harvard Peace Alliance's "Peace Week" begins today with the first of a series of dinner time speakers. The week

Men Tracksters Win Meet; Women Take Fourth

"Princeton didn't seem particularly obnoxious. They were smiling. Of course, they killed everyone." Ellen Gallagher said after Saturday's Women's Ivy

Human Life Panelists Disagree On Life's Beginning, Abortion

Two speakers disagreed sharply over when life begins before 300 boisterous listeners at an Institute of Politics debate on the

Student Helps Design Programs For Space Shuttle Computers

While most students use computers to play "dungeons" or to finish Nat Sci 110 projects, Winthrop House's Mike A. Halem

Panelist Dispute Proper Role Of Religion in U.S. Politics

Four panelists clashed sharply over the role of religious influence in politics and the political need for the "Christian Right"
