

Arthur Rublin

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Profs Link Dyslexia to Abnormal Brain Growth

Dyslexia may be caused by abnormal brain development before birth, a Harvard Medical School professor told an audience of about

Programs to Avert Teen Pregnancies Urged

Teenage sex, which results in a million pregnancies a year, must be countered with aggressive sex education programs and "diligent

Big Green Trips Women Booters, 3-1

The Harvard women's soccer team suffered a dramatic 3-1 loss to Dartmouth yesterday afternoon in Hanover, N.H. The Crimson (6-3-1,

UConn Downs Women Booters

Suffice it to say that it wasn't one of the 1986 Harvard women's soccer team's shining moments. The University of

Friars Bow to Unbeaten Women Booters

Another win, another shutout. Once again combining strong defense with aggressive offense, the Harvard women's soccer team took its undefeated

Women Booters Cruise; Contain Catamounts, 3-2

The Harvard women's soccer team boosted its record to 4-0 with a 3-2 victory over the University of Vermont Saturday

Sec. Shultz To Address Convocation In Yard Today

Secretary of State George P. Shultz will deliver an address entitled "Progress, Freedom and Responsibility" this morning when thousands gather

City to Decide Whether Store Misused Apartment

Cambridge's Rent Control Board will rule late this month on a camera shop's controversial use of a rent-controlled apartment in

Travelling and Trembling Over Terrorism

After walking out of Harvard with diploma in hand tomorrow, Jeffrey C. Levy '86 plans to travel abroad with his

Singers Scrap Britain Tour

One of three Harvard singing groups scheduled to tour abroad this summer has cancelled its trip in the wake of

Square Scuffle Leads to Arrests

Harvard and Cambridge police converged on Harvard Square late Friday night to break up a stick-fight, making two arrests and

Playboy: 60 Want to Pose

Estimating that he interviewed about 60 Harvard students this week who say they want to pose in Playboy's upcoming "Women

Brown Debates Housing Gay Guests

A conference of college homosexuals to be held at Brown this weekend has sparked campus-wide controversy over housing the gay

Johnston Says She's Best Candidate for Eighth Seat

Carla Johnston last night told a small gathering of the Democratic Club that she is the most experienced of the

Pre-Frosh Puts Project in Space

While Harvard prepares to entertain newly admitted members of the Class of '90, prospective freshman Rachel Safman won't be able
