

Jonathan Fuerbringer

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Roxbury, Quiet in Past, Finally Breaks into Riot; Why Did Violence Occur?

Last year a riot was unthinkable to many of Roxbury's residents. This year one happened. Until June 2, Boston's predominantly

HUC to Begin Discussion On Extension of Parietals

Agitation for the extension of parietals has begun again. The Harvard Undergraduate Council will begin its first formal discussion of

College Still Seeking Solution for Housing

The College is still frantically seeking a solution to this year's overcrowding in the Houses--a problem that will probably only

Students Must Report Class Rank; Harvard to Disregard Blue Cards

The College has decided to give students full responsibility for sending their class ranks to local draft boards. Undergraduates, who

Monro Will Not Establish definition of 'Substantial'

Committee on House Assignments will not establish a standard definition substantial," Dean Monro said yesterday. Monro added that the number

Corporation Plans Not to Oppose Court Action Reinstating Bowles

The Corporation would not contest a Superior Court order, instructing it to reinstate Samuel S. Bowles, President Pusey said yesterday.

Number of Letters Affects Definition of 'Substantial'

Definition of a "substantial rea-reference for a House may decide the number of letters sent to Dean Munro by freshmen,

College Will Increase Students' Room Rent

Room rent for Harvard College will be increased by $40 next year, raising raising the rate to $550 for two

Freshman Class Will Receive New House Applications Today

Dean Monro explained yesterday the details of the new House selections system, designed to "accomodate varying degrees of interest" among

Monro Backs Draft Lottery System; Urges Alternate Forms of Service

Dean Monro said Wednesday that he would prefer a draft deferment procedure along the lines of a lottery to the

Lowell Loses in Election For Oxford Poetry Chair

Oxford University passed over Robert T. S. Lowell Jr. '39 and appointed Edmund Blunden its professor of Poetry last Saturday.

Tough Quill Line And New Mayor Provoke Strike

As the New York bus and subway strike enters its seventh day, people are asking why there was a walkout

Urban Center Given $1.4 Million for Study

The Harvard-M.I.T. Joint Center for Urban Studies has received $1.4 million from the Ford Foundation. The grant, which will extend

Phillips Brooks Plans to Obtain Financial Advice

Philips Brooks House has decided to hire a financial consultant in an attempt to find more sources of money for
