

Edmond P.V. Horsey

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The Sweeter It Is

I N THE FAR CORNER of the Orpheum's smoking room--a naked, exhausted, once elegant chamber--three punks snickered down on their

Elsewhere in the Summer, at Pegleg Mac's

B RIGGS AND I took bets--not for money but bets nonetheless--on our neighbors, Daniel and Gay. Briggs didn't think Daniel

Emerging From The Fogg

It's past closing time at the Fogg; its galleries, hung in the first thread of twilight, are deserted. Suddenly Seymour

Racism and the Left

I N 1965, the Massachusetts Legislature passed the Racial Imbalance Act calling for the cessation of all state funds to

Under A Glumping Sky

T HERE'S A RUMBLE "We say no, We say no. We say no to the racists..." shivers across the Fenway

A Watkins Glen Journal

I T IS 2 a.m. Saturday morning and the hard-core "Boggers" are warming up for the weekend's festivities. Two burly,
