

Robert F. Wagner jr.

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The Once Great Society

N ot SURPRISINGLY given my history, urban issues, particularly New York City issues, have consumed my life. At some level

The New Bostonians and Their Poverty

No. No. No. I will not be a Boston Booster. The maiden aunt of American cities may well have discovered

Christmas Book Supplement

I am tired of books like Race Riots New York 1964, published soon after an event for the sole purpose

Senator Clifford P. Case

"I started out a Republican," said the Senator. "I came from a long line of Republicans. They gave me an

The Catholic Dilemma

Denis Brogan has written that "in no Western society is the intellectual prestige of Catholicism lower than in this country,

World's Fair

The World's Fair looks as if it had been created by some usually normal person who had taken meascaline and

Beyond the Melting Pot

In 1908 Israel Zangwill wrote a play "The Melting Pot" and introduced the phrase into the national vocabulary. Although his

De Gaulle and the Common Market

Once again the Common Market faces trouble from Charles de Gaulle. Just one year ago he prevented Britain's entrance into

Labor Convention

Not surprisingly, automation proved the central concern of last week's fifth biennial convention of the AFL-CIO. The federation's president George

City Politics

After debating James Wilson, co-author of City Politics, Carmine DeSapio supposedly said, "The professors have really come down to earth."

The Duvalier Regime

According to Haiti's constitution, a President cannot succeed himself. Although his term legally expired on May 15, President Francois Duvalier
