

Blaise G. A. pasztory

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Conant Recommends Allies Adopt Patience in German Reunification

President Emeritus James B. Conant '14 recommended that the Allies adopt a policy of "patience and alertness" on the question

McNamara Elected Mayor With Some CCA Support

Thomas M. McNamara, florist and long-time councilor, was elected mayor of Cambridge yesterday, with the support of some of the

City Council Refuses to Endorse Proposed Sanctuary on Charles

A bill to establish the "DeVoto Wildlife Sanctuary" on Hell's Half Acre, Cambridge's only remaining piece of open natural land,

Voters Approve of PR, Void 17 Appointments

The voters of Cambridge overwhelmingly rejected the 17 controversial School Committee appointments and the proposed abolition of proportional representation at

Abolition of P.R. Favored, 5 to 3, By City Council

After a pre-election display of forensic talent, the Cambridge City Council came out for the abolition of the Proportional Representation


The Principality of Monaco supports itself from man's gambling instincts, but the Commonwealth of Massachusetts thrives on sustained attempts at

Princetonians Look to Weekend As High Point of Social Season

PRINCETON, N.J., Nov. 9--Excitement and anticipation for "the greatest weekend of the year" mounted to a high pitch in Tiger-town

Police Chief Contradicted By Subordinate at Council

Conflicting sworn statements by the Cambridge chief of police and a police sergeant yesterday marked the City Council's hearing on

i.e. Survey of Harvard Thought Draws Censure of College Groups

The editors of i.e. successfully broke the exam-period lull last Tuesday by publishing their personal critique of intellectual life at

Vellucci Votes Against Own Confiscation Plan

"The Student's Friend" Al Vellucci exchanged verbal blows with Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29, one of the two Harvard graduates on

Councilor Asks Seizure Of University Property

An irate Cambridge city councilor promised yesterday to introduce an order at next Monday's meeting asking the city manager to

Herter Approves Bill to Create College Loans Assistance Group

Governor Christian A. Herter '14 yesterday approved a bill to create the Massachusetts Higher Education Assistance Corporation, a scheme backed

Massachusetts Congressman Leads Voting

Congressman John W. McCormack piled up a lead of almost two to one over Adlai Stevenson according to early returns
