

Tara H. Arden-smith

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Loving the Lethargy of Summer

I t's a season of slow. There's something surreal about Washington in the summer, as bodies and minds broil and

If You're Here, You May Be There Already

Even if I had known then what I know now, I think I still would have done pretty much everything

Reader Representative

The Crimson made a pretty big mistake this week, a technical gaffe that confused me--and I'm one of the people

Reader Representative

Things have been crazy since last I wrote. My column was bumped last Friday (and eventually crumped--"news-speak" for a piece

Reader Representative

READER REPRESENTATIVE EXPLAINS CRIMSON HEADLINE POLICY This is a potential headline for this column, if this column had headlines. I

Reader representative

I must admit, I don't know much about sports. I mean, I know the general rules of most (or at

Reader Representative

I've been intending to write this column for a while now. But things just haven't worked out. It's a classic

Reader Representative

When should The Crimson cover itself, and why? The Crimson has done it before, three times in recent memory, and

Reader Representative

Obviously, The Harvard Crimson is not The Washington Post. Still, I'd like to draw a parallel and I hope you'll

Reader Representative

Crimson Reader Rep Concedes Errors, Clarifies Procedures. Perhaps this would make a good headline for one, or even all of

U.C. Rejects Bill To Hold Election Each Semester

The Undergraduate Council last night cast aside a proposal to elect members each semester. The measure, offered by the Movement

In Reversal, U.C. Says Undergrads Can Withhold Fee

The Undergraduate Council last night returned the controversial term bill fee check-off option to its constitution, allowing students to easily

U.C. Pres. Candidates Cut From Same Mold

You almost couldn't tell them apart--at least not from the waist up. The four candidates for the Undergraduate Council's presidency

Hanselman Wins Race For Council Presidency

Despite taking a year off and returning to campaign as a relative unknown, David L. Hanselman '94-'95 still won 45

Senate Confirms Nye For Defense Dept. Post

Students holding out for the genuine Historical Studies A-12 experience better give up now. To the surprise of no one,
