

Susannah R. Mandel

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Historical 'Hamlet' Staged in Sanders

Legendary Boston theater critic Elliot Norton, writing in the Boston Daily Record about the Harvard Dramatic Club's December 1956 performance

Hysterical `Pericles' Not for Purists

PERICLES by William Shakespeare Directed by Ollie Lewis '00 Produced by Seth Harrington '00 April 9-11 At the Loeb Ex

Bio of Gay Actor Gives Rich Portrait of '20s Hollywood

William Haines was not a very good actor, but he was a very popular one, and in Hollywood of the

'Mikado' Through Anime Eyes

They say that everything old is new again. If you believe that weathered saying, it might help to explain the


Bent's cumulative effect is an extremely heavy, painful and unhappy one. For those who feel that this is appropriate for


Comic books don't usually get a lot of attention from the mainstream media. But when Oliver Stone, high-grossing film-maker and

Melodramatic and Moody 'Bent' Translates Poorly to Film

It's extremely difficult to know how to criticize a movie that deals with the Holocaust. A filmmaker deserves credit for

Eat This, Michael Flatley: 'Stomp' Rolls In

"What does the word 'stomp' make you think of?" asks Stomp's official web site. "Music, dance, theatre, choreography or performance

Spectacle Trumps Speech in `Umabatha'

Umabatha, the current revival of the 1970 play by South African playwright/director Welcome Msomi, is such a remarkable amalgam of

Strutting and Fretting Upon the Stage (For Three Hours)

L et's lay our cards on the table right off, shall we? There is something very bizarrely askew with the

A Luminous Open-Air Performance of One of the Greatest Comedies of All

The Hyperion Players, the only undergraduate troupe dedicated solely to bringing the works of Shakespeare to the Harvard stage, have

'Crystal Boys' Opens Door on Hidden World, But Moves Slowly

C RYSTAL BOYS, A DRAMA ABOUT GAY MALE LIFE IN Taiwan in the 1960s, is a performance that lies at

Wood Offers Brash Showing Of Verse on Bard's Birthday

As Emily J. Wood '97, the director of Wednesday's An Evening of Bardolatry, explained to her rapt audience in an

Poems, Poets and Poetry at Harvard

April is a month much celebrated in English verse, showing up every-where from Chaucer to T.S. Eliot '09. And this

A Girl With a Dream

It's about time we started seeing girls as the stars of adventure stories, which is why it's been such a
