

Ernest A. Ostro

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Lemon Farm

"Americans? May the saints preserves us, the Americans again. I wonder what you'll do to me this time," said the

City Councillor Berates 'Fortunites' as 'Disloyal'

Mark Fortune, who resigned last week as Cambridge's city planning director and Ferdinand Rousseve, chairman of the City Planning Board,

Fletcher Plans to Defend Merits Of Controversial Philosophy Text

The director of Hunter College's Medical Office yesterday attacked the use of "Morals and Medicine" in Philosophy 3, asserting that

College Students Will Participate In Mass Cambridge Evacuation

Local Civil Defense Director Edmund M. Burke Confirmed yesterday that a mass evacuation of Cambridge--with the University and Radcliffe participating--will

Khrushchev's Anti-Marx Speech Draws Mixed Faculty Reactions

History, Government and Economics professors disagreed last night--although not violently--about the significance of Nikita S. Khrushchev's revision of Karl Marx's

The Son of the Dude

"The Sullivans are here to stay," quoth Cambridge's new mayor, Edward J. Judging by last November's election results and his

Mayor Sullivan Hopes for Increase In College's Cooperation With City

Cambridge's new mayor, Edward J. Sullivan, said last night that he hopes the University will "see things my way" in

Clashing Factions Block Selection Of City's Mayor

For the third time in eight years, Cambridge's mayoralty election has become a knock-down, drag-out fight between warring factions in

New Program Seen as Only Hope for City

A majority of Cambridge's incoming City Council yesterday called the urban renewal program the city's only hope to stem the

Engine Drives Off Day Early

Cambridge Fire officials, panicked by incessant threats--which they attributed to the Lampoon--to make off with their engine and drive it

City Offers Students from Midwest Free Journey Home in Fire Engine

Anyone Interested in the ride can make arrangements today by calling Kllfoyle at ELIot 4-0106 or McCarthy at UNiversity 4-4406.

Cambridge Fire Engine to Migrate West

Cambridge will send one of its fire engines--incognito--on an 1100 mile safari to Kenosha, Wisconsin, early next year. Meanwhile, police

Official Predicts University Growth Along Charles in Next Five Years

The entire area between the Houses and Central Square will be razed within the next five years to allow for

University May Aid City In Face-Lifting Project

Cambridge's City Planning Board will ask the University and M.I.T., in early December, to join with municipal authorities and local

City Council Independents Claim CCA Will Lose Mayoralty Race

Almost all of Cambridge's city councillors are in the race for mayor, but none of them expects to get elected.
