

Nicholas K. Davis

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Wings of 'Desire': PJ Harvey Plays for Power

Is THIS DESIRE? PJ Harvey Island Records Whither PJ Harvey? Three years ago, while on tour to promote her unforgettable

Desert Passion Meditates on Man and Beast

Lavinia Currier's Passion in the Desert begins as a historical chronicle of the late 18th-century Napoleonic wars in Africa, but

High Art, Despite Solid Acting, Falls Short of Its Namesake

HIGH ART Directed by Lisa Cholodenko Starring Radha Mitchell, Ally Sheedy, Patricia Clarkson Playing at Kendall Square Cinema High Art,

New Orleans Jazz Musician Hits Big, Also Directs Several Films

WILD MAN BLUES Directed by Barbara Kopple featuring Woody Allen, Soon-Yi Previn At the Brattle This Weekend In March 1996,


Could those little golden men be contemplating hara-kiri with those swords? Perhaps, if they had any idea of the farce

Reconciling Highbrow, Big-Budget Films

The Wings of the Dove. Interview With the Vampire. No connection? As Henry James might say, the depth of congruence

Washington Square

Jennifer Jason Leigh is perfectly cast in Agnieszka Holland's adaptation of Henry James's novel. An awkward young woman starved for

Heaven on Stage

T alk about divine visitation. The HRDC's production of Angels in America has debuted on the Loeb Mainstage with all

Washington Square

Jennifer Jason Leigh is perfectly cast in Agnieszka Holland's adaptation of Henry James's novel. An awkward young woman starved for

The Heiress: A Long Line of Success

"When I am here with Father, it seems that no one would want to listen to me." This painful admission

Flavor in Your Ear: Add a Little Spice to Life

Salt 'N' Pepa, as befits their name, serve things up with zest. In choosing to title their latest album Brand

An Heiress Comes Into Her Own

The central figure of Washington Square is Catherine Sloper, a plain but earnest young heiress whose need for love is

Ms. Holland Goes 19th C

Don't go looking for Europa, Europa II, folks. Filmmaker Agnieszka Holland is about the last person on the planet who

Acres: Breaky Hearts

The three-generational farm family featured in "A Thousand Acres" is increasingly caught in a war over the nature of property.


S o who is this Mariah Carey anyway? After seven years, seven albums and 12 number one singles, she has
