

Aparajita Ramakrishnan

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Look Before You Leap

FILM A Leap of Faith directed by Richard Pearce First L.A. Story, now this. Steve Martin isn't just redundant--he's stale.

The Art of Dance Reborn at Harvard

T he Radcliffe Dance Program has been the object of both criticism and praise from the students who have had

Characters, Writing Style Make Leimbach's New Book Memorable:

Sun Dial Street by Marti Leimbach Doubleday Books $20.00 "Your family is etched into you like tattoo, something that can

Famed Tale of Deceit in the Ancien Regime Features Excellent Performances, Ambience

Dangerous Liasons directed by Jane Nichols at the Leverett House Old Library Through May 2 Jane Nichols' adaptation of Christopher

Direction Gives Spark, Sensuality To an Unimpressive Apple Tree:

If ever there was a play that could "touch" anyone, it is The Apple Tree. Director Scott Schwartz interprets Sheldon

Joseph and His Lovely Outerwear

"I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain, to see for certain, what I thought I knew/Far far away, someone

Exhibit of Modern Art Surveys the 20th Century's Aesthetic Innovators

"The only inclination that one can have is, progressively, to purify the transfer of nature to canvas." --Andre Derain Each

No Sight, But Plenty of Sensation

H andling the oxymoronic nature of a blind photographer who struggles with the concept of trust is only a part
