

John N. Riccardi

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McNerney Wrestles to Fourth At National Championships

In what Harvard wrestling Coach Johnny Lee called "the finest wrestling exhibition that I can remember," senior Tri-Captain Andy McNerney

Phills Takes Eastern Crown, Wrestlers Sixth at Tourney

Harvard heavy weight wrestler Jim Phills stood someplace no Harvard wrestler has stood in 44 years. He stood at the

Jim Phills

When Winthrop's Gregory Urrutia went scramblng for a loose puck during an intramural ice hockey match against Kirkland the other


Although the Harvard wrestling team dropped another disappointing match this weekend--to Yale in New Haven, 24-18--the Crimson still stands a

Cornell Quells Matmen, 25-16; Chances Slim for Ivy Crown

What could have been the apex of Harvard wrestling history became the nadir of an up-and-down season for the Crimson

Wrestlers Maul Lions, 25-11; Ready to Face Cornell Today

Although the Harvard wrestling squad recaptured the Richard G. Waite Trophy yesterday afternoon by solidly defeating the Columbia Lions, 25-11,

Wrestlers Nab Third at Coast Guard

Without three of its most experienced wrestlers, the Harvard wrestling team tied for third place behind Columbia and St. Lawrence

Matmen Triumph Over B.U. in Opener, 26-18; Crimson Keen on Prospects for Banner Year

Continuing where it left off last year, the Harvard wrestling team opened its '82-'83 season with a solid victory over

Dins, Not Kroks, in Spotlight For Yale Weekend Songfest

When the Din and Tonics, one of Harvard's newest groups, host the Radcliffe Pitches and the Yale Whiffenpoof at tomorrow

Food Workers to Bargain Aggressively

Harvard Food Services employees said yesterday they will adopt a more militant approach in upcoming contract negotiations to help secure
