

Jerome Goodman

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The Playgoer

"Rough" is the term usually applied to productions like Pl Eta's "A Doctor in Spite of Himself." Rough, because what

From the Pit

With the repeat performance of the original "Rule Britannia" tonight, the Adams House Musical Society will close its concert, its

The Moviegoer

Justice Holmes was a colorful man, and his writings had a granite power to them. "The Magnificent Yankee" is a


Though they are a vanishing breed, there are still those around here who pitch pennies in the spring, walk through

The Gypsy Baron

For its most ambitions production, the Adams House Musical Society has polished up a Strauss score, imported two opera stars,

Behind the Glass Curtain

One by one, they drifted on to the stage, most of them in sweaters or shirtsleeves. They settled into their


A lot of Widener's sparrows joined the Glee Club in the first of three traditional Yard concerts Tuesday evening. The

Golfers Will Begin Play in Eastern Tourney Against Columbia Today

Yale is the team to beat. Although the varsity golf team enters the Eastern Intercollegiate Golf Tourney at the Salem

Queen of Two Nations

With a healthy, partially-exposed bust on the cover, some she-was-torn-between-love-and-duty ads, and a blithe unconcern for facts, "Eleanor of Aquitaine"


By the time the Adams House Chorus had thundered the final chorus of "Rule Britannia" Friday night, it had proved
